Friday, April 3, 2009

MANIFESTO Of the Indian National Congress

Lok Sabha Elections 2009
Of the Indian National Congress

The Congress president, Mrs Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh released the party's manifesto in New Delhi on Tuesday. The manifesto lists some promises with special focus on Dalits and tribal communities.

Reiterating its National Rural Employment Guarantee Act scheme, the Congress has promised 100 days of work for Rs 100 a day, as an entitlement under the NREGA.

The Congress has also promised to enact a Right to Food law that guarantees food for all. It has announced that every family living below the poverty line will be entitled to 25 kg of rice or wheat per month at Rs 3 per kg. The manifesto promises subsidised community kitchens, which will be set up in all cities for homeless people and migrants, with the support of the central government.

In the health sector, the Congress has declared that every family living below the poverty line will be covered by the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana over the next three years.

The Congress manifesto Highlights:

** 25 kg wheat or rice for Rs.3 per kg

** Maximum possible security to each and every citizen

** Highest level of defence preparedness and also take further steps for the welfare of the defence forces and their families

** Acceleration in the process of police reforms

** To take the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme forward

** Enactment of a National Food Security Act

** Health security for all under Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

** Comprehensive social security to those at special risk

** Implementation of a nation-wide skill development programme

** Expand schemes for improving well-being of farmers and their families

** Democratised and professionalised functioning of cooperatives

** Greater impetus to the empowerment of weaker sections of society.

** Elected panchayat institutions to be made financially strong

** Connect all villages to a broadband network in three years time

** Give special focus to the small entrepreneur and to small and medium enterprises

** Maintain the path of high growth with fiscal prudence and low inflation

** Introduce the goods and services tax from April 1, 2010.

** A completely new look to urban governance

** A new deal to our youth to participate in governance

** Protection of India’s natural environment and steps to rejuvenate it

** A massive renewal of science and technology infrastructure

** To pursue judicial reforms to cut delays in courts

** To continue to be sensitive to regional aspirations

** Energy security for the country

** To pursue an independent, pro-India foreign policy

** To intensify the involvement of overseas Indians in development


hyderabad | December 22, 2009 at 11:36 AM  

Better for Congress and both the regions is the union territory of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
And the government of Andhra Pradesh and telangana will rule normally with offices in the Hyderabad territory WITH OUT separation if possible.
Since without Hyderabad and secunderabad in the state, they will not have hatered on each other and the people will respect Hyderabad even more than now. This will reduce the Negative feeling of all kinds....
In Hyderabad, keeping aside the separation problem, there is also the religion disputes between Muslims and Hindus and an increase in terrorists year by year.
So the best way is to do Hyderabad and secuderabad combined as a Union Territory. Even this separation is stopped now, it will occur again in future raising again all kind of tensions.
If made a Union territory, It is good for every one. The city's and its people will be safe for ever.
There should be some solution by making the Hyderabad and secunderabad as Union territory, and then only the tensions between the Regions and the religions will not occur any more.
And the sourrounding areas of the Hyderabad and other towns in the state will develope drastically along with the union territory.

This will regain respect for CONGRESS party in the state and will never effect its position in the state.
If not congress will have to LOSE its power in both the seperated regions and even in hyderabad for the next 10 years.
If Hyd becomes an union territory, this makes feel that the Central govnt CONGRESS, is behaving in the Wise way, and it will be not supportable for the new wishes to be arised for a seperated state's all over the rest of India. And this will be a full stop for all the separations.

hyderabad | December 22, 2009 at 11:37 AM  

Making a city an union territory, some say it will increase the time for establishing new industries in the Union territory. But through proper planning it could be overcomed easily.

With the Union territory, the Central Govnt could have its presence in all over India easily.

And I believe UPA will stand firmly in the center for the next 2 elections. So it will help the Congress by rulling the Hyderabad and secunderabad as an Union Territory, establishing its presence in the Andhra pradesh very firmly, which will allow congress to even stand at the central government for the next 5 elections to.

And also making the Hyderabad and secunderabad combines as an union territory will not encourage other regional disputes to ask for a Seperate State in the future and this will the pull stop for those kind of demands.

Hyderabad and secunderabad deserves to be and Union Territory in all aspects.

Thank you very much.
And thanks for reading all my thoughts.

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